India's widest range of FACING BRICKS

Explore premium clay Facing Bricks with 210+ Brick variants of international quality in hundreds of shades, textures and formats.

Bricks without full stop...

Best Materials For House

Highly Resistant

Exposed bricks are highly resistant to all kinds of weather conditions – especially freeze-thaw cycles – and consequently, ensure the durability of the products and their coloring.

New Architectural Design Element

Facing bricks are applied as new architectural design elements. The combination of diverse colors, shapes, and surface textures ( Smooth / Rustic ) allows a wide range of design options and guarantees an eye-catching appearance. The façade’s charisma will assure you of the lasting value and enduring design quality.

Environment Friendly

Facing bricks are pure natural products made of clay that satisfy all requirements on environmentally friendly construction in a way that hardly any other building material can match. Facing Brick places the greatest value on sparing resources and minimizing environmental impact throughout the entire manufacturing process.

Fire Resistant

Firing at exceptionally high temperatures ensures that the exposed bricks are resistant to fire and never contribute to the spread of fire.

Zero Maintenance

There is no need for further maintenance provided that the installation was carried out properly. Facing brick products retain the aesthetic appeal throughout the year and the value in the long term.

Temperate Property

Our products successfully combine technology and ecology, which takes economic efficiency and affordability into consideration. The improved thermal insulation provides a cool and comfortable indoor climate.

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Sahil Sood
  • 94170 31265
Marketing & Sales
  • 7069006103

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